Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So much of my biographical information on line quoted admiring support from readers. Billie MacDonald for example called pk his "living intellectual hero." Richard Wall wrote that I had been and was still ahead of my time. See my http://pKnatzQuotes.blogspot.com for those and other examples.

But in 1970 when I offered a cheap now tech internet as an alternative to state-run education a few years of fund-raising efforts by a dozen volunteers failed to exceed two thousand dollars total. I've now used the government's plagiarized internet to tell the story for twenty years. My efforts raised zero additional dollars, and have been been federally censored, me put in jail, my online regular business destroyed. Billie MacDonald for one had promised me to see that Knatz.com was always online, beyond my death. But when the FBI took me, he disappeared. He'd spent years promising to send me money, to find me support. Not one penny ever arrived. None of that was important to me beside keeping Knatz.com online; but he betrayed the ideas there too.

All that pales compared to this:
The human species succeeded well enough to populate the planet, render game scarce, and to max out the planet's agricultural capacity. We managed to continue to grow not because of our individual cleverness but because of of group bonding: family, group, tribe ... But now the super tribes, ruled by nation states, destroy the group bonds that made them possible. As an follower (and colleague) of Ivan Illich (and Bucky Fuller, and others), I said so. The social networking I offered in Illich's wake was intended to strengthen the human species by weakening its coercive rulers: the nation states. The people could have taken their own back, by taking over their own information: state-independent public data bases: voluntary information, unregulated.

But state-run institutions and the allies, mislabeled as free, co-opted our convivial Christian tools. My wife was my only support in 1970. The universities had bled me dry, then abandoned me with no other resources: fired, a pariah, blacklisted. Fine: at least I should have still had my wife and child. But no: Hilary too abandoned me. Hilary kidnapped our son: just as he arrived at school age. Obviously she did it so I could have no say in his "education."

It doesn't matter what the Temple pretends to teach
so long as it crucifies God when he actually shows up!

I'll return to this post to offer additional details of betrayal by my fans, by professors, by my family ... and by civilization's institutions.

God is another matter. But after what happened to Jesus, disciples of Jesus shouldn't be surprised.

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