Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jail Stories

When the FBI arrested me I couldn't wait to get back online to tell about it. I dreamed that I'd use my trial as a sounding board for deschooling. My public defender was crystal clear in assuring me that the public's betrayal of trust was only beginning: I wouldn't be able to fit an idea or a fact into the trial sideways. He was not there to help me but to serve as a cover for the fascists doing whatever they want: he'd make sure that the judge pissed with his left hand if that what the kleptocracy's Koran prescribed: and that's all. No justice was wanted, no justice would be allowed; unless you mean by "justice," the predator kleptocrats having their way.

The court knocked down one domain, one of five, and the rest toppled with it, including my business, online since the early 1990s. Somewhere along the way I learned that the FBI had stolen my computers. It was nearly two years later before they returned them to me: disassembled, working after a fashion, but no longer coordinated, no longer networked, no longer seamlessly sharing Mac OS X AND 9 (so I could continue to use my old DTP software, inoperable under Mac OS X). Back home, my thousands of files online destroyed, I had no way of writing. Scribble served me once, but no longer. I needed to word-process, and to FTP: to publish: to resume my function of warning the world: like Jeremiah ... like John ... like Jesus.

Too late now I don't doubt, though perhaps it wasn't too late when I first tried full time, tried to make a profession of reform, in 1970. Bucky Fuller had said that 1968 was mankind's fulcrum year, the year by which we'd either have learned how to live or begin suffering the consequences of being too late. I'd hoped that Bucky's figure was soft by two years: or that we had figured it out by 1968 and were just getting rolling in 1970. But we'd figured nothing, and nothing rolled, except more kleptocratic hubris.

My son found me an iMac at eBay (never forget that eBay plagiarizes my FLEX of 1970) for $40. A few days later I was busy transcribing my notes from jail, written on scraps, on napkins, with bits of pencil stub only jailed Americans would recognize as usable into new FileMaker databases: jail stories. And there they've remained. My best jail stories are trivial compared to what got censored at as a domino effect from the fed trashing my I'm again writing like crazy, posting stuff to blogs; but I feel like I'm falling further behind the more I write. The parole people have threatened me if I remount. I've been remounting anyway: but not wholesale: and I can't afford economically to put up what I have. And a blog is not a domain, let along a half a dozen distinct domains. Still, a dozen blogs are doing for me the best I can.

But boy do I look forward to telling my jail stories. They'll appear here, at my PaulKnatz blog, soon, I trust. But they're not re-postings from; they'll be first tellings.


There are none more profound than this one:

I may burn in hell forever for this.

The speaker is Dave Lee Brannen, Federal Public Defender. No, he's not talking about me, the felon, burning; he's confessing that he himself is an enemy of God in refusing to help the court see that I, Paul Knatz, am a servant of Jesus, a messenger of God, a 1970 inventor of the internet ... a public servant: sabotaged, railroaded by kleptocrats, by thieves. PS: Dave got a $5,000 bonus from the fed for tricking me into confessing.

Understand: I confessed for a two-sided reason:
1) I needed to update (I didn't know yet that circumstances would combine to censor it as well as the specific satire, a revenge fantasy, I'd been arrested for writing and emailing to NYU's English department.)
2) Dave was making it clear to me that a Palm Beach jury would be no more likely to understand what I was saying than the judge was. Therefore: I was looking at a probable forty years in jail, age 69, with sky high blood pressure, going blind, already deaf. No: I had to get back to

But of course that too was a betrayal: they took it all away.

Then again, it was taken away before I was born, before Jesus was born, more than ten thousand years ago: once we'd way-over-bred. (Actually, it's older than that: the Late Pleistocene Overkill occurred before agriculture was developed. Still, agriculture is a key accelerator in human overpopulation.)

Too Stupid To Live!

Broke, arrested, assigned a federal public defender, I quickly assessed Dave Lee Brannen to be the most intelligent lawyer I've ever spoken to for longer than a minute: the only intelligent lawyer I'd ever spoken to for longer than five minutes. He seemed to follow everything I said about my life, my dedication to deschooling, my discipleship to Ivan Illich / Jesus, my philosophical anarchism. I explained how Illich, imagining Christ, became a critic of human institutions. His deconstruction of the Church was followed by an exposure of the cultural imperialism implicit in new American policies toward South America – Chile didn't need American roads or GM trucks, it needed to be allowed to find its own solutions. That thesis was followed by his indictment of compulsory schooling. (And that was followed by a deconstruction of the health industry ...) Dave Brannen followed how I offered Illich's design for cybernetic public data bases of resources to replace schools – a map of the community is closer to God than a cop telling you what to do, when and where to do it, and what you must pay. Freedom accompanies open markets; compulsion defeats markets and freedom. Dave followed my contribution to see that local learning networks could become data bases for every kind of resource and that local networks could become inter-networked. Dave followed precisely my conclusion, given my experience, that civilization was God and Nature's solution to human over-population, that civilization was Nature's tool to purge over-reaching man from the biosphere, he smiled and laughed at my terse conclusion that we are
Too Stupid To Live!

That was in October 2006, our brief meeting of the 13th being followed by further visits. But Dave Lee Brannen made it clear to me that the court did not and would not follow those points and that a Palm Beach jury, of my peers ha ha ha, would be very hostile to anyone who disapproved of their imperial kleptocracy. Dave assured me that he, though he expected to
burn in hell forever for this,
would do nothing to help me wedge relevant facts or points into the trial, the fed's fictions would prevail, and I would go to jail for forty years; unless I pleaded guilty, said I was wrong. Then the judge might sentence me to the minimum punishment: 15 months.

Well, if I couldn't use my trail as a stage for my points, then I had to get back online and update add these new stories to my already existing 2,500 text file indictment of my society already online. I didn't know that the judge would censor my letters to my university, I had no idea that my domains host would trash all of my domains, that my existing voice would be further silenced. I didn't know that the FBI was monkeying with my computers, destroying their synergy. I didn't know that the fed, from the FBI to the court, was destroying my business or that the parole board would join the tag team to keep me from remounting my domains.

Just before the sentencing trial Dave told to my face the first typical lawyerly lie: he said these federal court people, judges, prosecutors were
intelligent people.
Then he folded in a truth
They have no sense of humor.

Then he warned me, if I wanted a light sentence, don't tell them that they are

Too Stupid To Live!

This one I just learned this morning, 2009 11 22. I quote a current email from my girlfriend of 1957. Jackie says:I saw online when searching for your name that there is a notice that you were arrested and all questions should be directed to your son, Brian. That is a hell of a thing to have out there in public.
You're a strong person to deal with all of this.
News to me. My son hasn't informed me of any collusion. But then he hasn't said anything about how he let my domains evaporate: he'd taken over paying my bills, but didn't pay that specific one.

He had all my online files and easily could have put back the ones the fed wasn't censoring. Hell, he could have put back the ones the fed was censoring and pointed out the fed's misreading!

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